Bezos to Post: Becoming the next Amazon in 3 simple steps
Without specifics, Bezos lays out that worked for Amazon could work for the Washington Post in his first interview -- with the Post, of course -- since he agreed to buy it for $250 million.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at the Kindle event last year.
Jeff Bezos, the man who made Amazon the Wal-Mart of the Internet, says the same guiding principles behind his e-commerce giant will well serve his latest investment, The Washington Post.
Bezos, in a memo to Post employees last month, has said he won't be running the paper day-to-day, leaving that in the hands of the current editorial leadership.His first interview since agreeing to buy the Post's publishing side for $250 million comes ahead of a fact-finding and bridge-building mission to the paper this week. With such information gathering in front on him, Bezos is light on specifics, but he outlines some general ideas that could shape his influence on the newspaper.
"In my experience, the way invention, innovation and change happen is [through] team effort. There's no lone genius who figures it all out and sends down the magic formula. You study, you debate, you brainstorm and the answers start to emerge. It takes time," he said in the interview published Tuesday. "'Quickly' in my mind would be years."
He said newspapers, undercut by Web competition, have yet to find a suitable response to the evolution of news
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